Thursday, May 28, 2009

Positivity - definitely needed and working!

Hello Limelizard Customers,

It has been a little while since the last blog. During that time I had need to undergo a total thyroidectomy - last Thursday. Unfortunately, due to complications I ended up in ICU for 5 days, and am finally back at home. Even though very scary I had the most amazing time and experience in hospital.

We have the most amazing doctors and nurses in this country. They are absolutely dedicated above and beyond their calling. You hear a lot in the news about the state of hospitals, staffing of hospitals etc, and whilst I know that they are doing it tough - not once did I feel I wasn't getting appropriate care. Goodness, I even loved the mushy food they were feeding me!

That said, I don't think I would have had the best frame of mind had it not been for the most amazing DVD I watched. I was lucky enough to have my husband bring in a portable DVD player and the movie 'Ambition to Meaning' by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

After a particularly harrowing night of wondering if I was about to stop breathing, I watched the movie. During and straight after I had a major turn around of positivity and knew that what was happening was meant to be, and with a little more positivity I would understand why and get myself through it.

This movie has narrative from Dr Dyer, but also follows stories that no matter who you are, and what you do, you can relate to. The stories help demonstrate exactly the message Dr Dyer is trying to get across. It has an amazing cast, including Dr Dyer himself, and Porta De Rossi, Shannon Sturges, and others.

If you, a relative, friend etc need a little spiritual inspiration, I can't recommend this highly enough. I watched it for a second time during my stay just for a 'top-up' and firmly believe that I experienced a 'shift' that Dr Dyer talks about during my hospitalisation, when suddenly one of my complications was healed.

I still have a little more healing to go, but with the power of postive thinking I'm sure it won't be long - and if I don't heal fully I know that this was meant to be the outcome.

If you are interested in 'Ambition to Meaning' visit the DVD section of our website.

With positive thoughts and energy....