Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lavender Oil - the new handbag accessory!

Recently I was asked by a customer - "I have a scar following an operation and want to know if there is an oil that will help it heal?"

Having first hand experience of this I was excited to tell her that good old 'Lavender' oil was the best - make sure it's therapeutic grade though...

After being told by a doctor that my scar wasn't healing very well we were going to have to put 'something like steroid cream on it', I thanked him, took the script, and called my naturopath!

I had been putting therapeutic grade Lavender Oil (Young Living) on for only about 3 weeks when I noticed an amazing difference! No chemicals or synthetic ingredients in a 'natural cream', just plain and simple Lavender Oil.

I believe that Lavender Oil should be in everyone's handbag, pocket or desk drawer. It is so versatile and fantastic to use on children - when they have those little scratches, cuts etc that are just so MAJOR to them. Dab a little 'magic oil' on and it's amazing how it suddenly isn't that bad! My girls now automatically ask for Lavender when little injuries occur instead of crying and screaming for attention! Parental bliss!

So, here is the 'official' information on Lavender -

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. Lavender is an adaptogen, and therefore can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. It is a great aid for relaxing and winding down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that can also boost stamina and energy. Therapeutic-grade lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty. It may be used to soothe and cleanse common cuts, bruises, and skin irritations. The French scientist René Gattefossé was among the first to discover these properties when he was severely burned in a laboratory explosion. Lavender may also be used to enhance the flavor of foods.

So there you have it - the new handbag accessory for spring is therapeutic grade Lavender!! - Available through Limelizard of course!

Have an Inspirational Day!
Naomi @ Limelizard

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Can I order some hyperactivity with that?

Limelizard are proud to provide you with the very best resources when it comes to Food Additives and Intolerances. We have guides, cookbooks, and informational resources all researched so that you have access to the latest and most informative information. We also rely on our amazing customers and fans to suggest resources that they have found useful.

One of our favourites is 'Low to No Additives' by Olivia Dyer and Bridy Fulvio. Not only are there beautiful, achievable, and family favourite recipes, there is a shopping guide and additive guide at the back.

It was armed with this book that I went to the school canteen of my 8 year old this morning. You see after the second sleepless night in a row I needed some information. Unfortunately my 8 year had made what she called a 'best of the worst food choice' 2 days ago. Usually very sensible and knowing what not to have (there are very few choices she can have) she went with her 50c to the canteen and as she was hot wanted an ice block like her friends. She chose the one that was least colourful (orange) thinking she was doing the right thing.

That night we had insomnia, mood swings, aggression and unhappiness - all which are pretty much opposite her usual behaviour. This had happened once in the last couple of months when staying at a relatives house, where she was given a brand name ice/ice cream block.

So with my book in hand, the canteen ladies were happy to show me the ice block in question. Here is a list of the 'ingredients'. The usual, sugar, water etc were listed and THEN


After looking up the list, I realised that instead of asking for an 'orange ice block' she should have said can I please have some 'MSG reaction, asthma, skin conditions, hay fever, mouth and skin irritation, hyperactivity, anaphylaxis, behavioural problems, headaches, allergic reactions, intestine upset - and can you add some colours that are banned in other countries please!??!!

At the end of this blog,I have relisted the numbers and their possible reactions (as taken from Low to No Additives).

It certainly makes you think when you hear other parents concerned about their child's behaviour at school that what they are being offered for consumption from school could be contributing. It also makes it very difficult for parents who have children with food allergies, intolerences etc to explain why they can only have 2 or 3 choices from the canteen when their friends have 20+.

I would love to hear any thoughts from you on this subject, and anyone that may have been able to assist their school canteen to include more 'additive free' choices for the children. The ladies working in the canteens do an amazing job, and there is fresh fruit and salads available, but it is sad that the more convenient foods that children love are laced with these additives and preservatives.

It is certainly eye opening when reading through an additive guide to see how many are listed as 'UNSAFE FOR CHILDREN' and 'BANNED IN OTHER COUNTRIES' - yet they are readily available for our precious little people.

Come on Jamie Oliver - please help out our children with their school choices!! :)

Have an Inspirational - and healthy day!

330 - Citric Acid - Regarded as safe in food use; has a number of health benefits; may provoke symptoms in those who react to MSG; may aggravate the herpes simplex virus.
211 - Sodium benzoate - Asthma; skin conditions; hay fever; mouth and skin irritation; hyperactivity; anaphylaxis; aspirin sensitive people may wish to avoid; behavioural problems; those with allergies and intolerances should beware; headaches.

202 - Potassium sorbate - Allergic reactions; asthma; skin irritation; behavioural problems; possible liver damage; avoid if kidney or heart problems; headaches; intestine upset.

223 - Sodium Metabisulphite - Asthma (life threatening attacks); hay fever; chronic skin conditions; gastric irritation; nausea; skin swelling; behavioural problems; hypersensitivity; anxiety.

110 - Sunset Yellow FCF - Asthma; skin conditions, hay fever; abdominal pain; hives; hyperactivity; aspirin sensitive people may wish to avoid; cancer causing; stomach upset; kidney tumours; chromosomal damage; runny nose; nasal congestion; BANNED IN SOME COUNTRIES.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A personal story about Frankincense...

Lately there has been a lot of talk about Frankincense Essential Oil. Frankincense is one of the oldest essential oils and used primarily in meditation to improve one’s inner balance.

Last week I attended a seminar by Young Living. One of the presenters mentioned that he had had some respiratory issues and was diffusing Frankincense in his office to relieve it.

Over the previous week my 3 year old had developed a nasty cough with accompanying mucous issues. Every night for a week after putting her to bed she would start coughing, and it got to the stage where we had to get her back up and keep her upright to fall asleep. This would ease the coughing just enough for her to drift off to sleep. She would be ok until between 2am and 5am when it would happen again.

The night after the seminar she started coughing and we remembered what the presenter had mentioned. We immediately got our Young Living Diffuser, bottle of Frankincense and headed up to her room. She was in the middle of a coughing fit when we started the diffuser. Within 5 minutes of having the diffuser on, her coughing had diminished by 80% !! Within another 2 – 3 minutes she was sleeping soundly. Now I know from experience that all of the oils our family has used have worked wonders, but that little sceptical voice in my head was saying ‘surely it couldn’t be that easy’. I turned the diffuser off and went to bed. At 5am the next morning she started coughing again. I started the diffuser again, and again within 5 minutes she stopped and went back to sleep!

That little voice got the better of me again, and when she started coughing the next night on went the diffuser and again her coughing stopped within 5 minutes. This time I left it on all night (these amazing diffusers also have a 30 second burst option, every 30 seconds a mist is released) and got my first full nights sleep in over a week.

After 3 nights with the diffuser, she is now 100% better. No coughing, no mucous!

This isn’t the only reason we have Frankincense in our house. As many of you know last year I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I am now drinking 1 drop of Frankincense and 1 drop of Myrrh every day to assist in keeping the cancer at bay. So far so good – not sure on the taste but mix it in some Ninxia Red and its fine!

My husband is also using Frankincense on his face for skin cancers. We had a couple of customers advising that they had used it and had reversed their facial skin cancers. After 3 weeks of use 1 of the cancers has now gone, and another 2 are diminishing rapidly!!

I’m also using a couple of drops of Frankincense on my face daily as a form of skin care. (Young Living also have a skin care range called ART – that contains, yes you guessed it, Frankincense!!)

I can’t stress to you the wonder we are finding in this little bottle. Do some searching on the internet and you will find a plethora of information – including medical journals documenting the wonders of Frankincense.

If you have any questions or would like further information check our website, or contact us and we will answer all of your questions!

DID YOU KNOW - Frankincense is also considered a holy anointing oil in the Middle East, and has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years.

Frankincense can ease many minor aches and pains, clear the lungs, act as a skin tonic, as well as calm and soothe the whole body and mind.

You can diffuse (for congestion and voice loss, calm the mind, reduce mental strain, and cultivate internal peace).

You can massage (with massage oil or diluted in the bath for circulatory support, respiratory support, exhaustion, and nightmares. It can perk up older more mature skin, and may assist the body in healing itself of wounds, sores, and ulcers).

Frankincense trees grow without soil out of polished marble rocks. Deep cuts are made along the tree and the yellow milk-like juice that flows out soon hardens. The frankincense globules are scraped off and distilled for the essential oil.

If you have any stories you can share about using Frankincense we would love to hear them!!

Have an Inspirational Day!

Naomi @ Limelizard

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Food Really Does Matter!

Wow! FoodMatters is an intriguing 80 minute documentary that is a hard hitting and fast paced look at our current state of health.

This DVD documentary is riveting, and brings together opinions of some of the world leaders in health, nutrition and natural healing.

Imagine a world where there isn't a 'pill for every ill', rather food and nutrition are used as a preventative, and as a healing aid to encourage the body to heal itself.

FoodMatters points out there isn't any money in 'wellness', however there is in ill-health. As one quote indicates 'good health makes a lot of sense, but not a lot of dollars'.

FoodMatters is a very easy to understand documentary that doesn't necessarily point out new information, however provides the information in a clear manner that is designed to make us take a minute and think. That is exactly what you will do - You will stop and think about the old phrase 'you are what you eat'.

Subjects covered include - Ancient Wisdom, How old is your food?, Raw foods and Superfoods, Vitamin Supplements and Doctor Training, The Body's own Healing Mechanism, Heart Disease, Depression and Mental illness, Detoxification and Weight loss, Cancer, and a Better Alternative.

There are also discussions on topics such as junk food, processed food, and how using vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements can be used in treatment for cancer and various other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Foodmatters will assist you to become informed about the choices you have for your and your family's health. Find out what works, what doesn't.

There is an overall message that food matters is conveying and that is - you are what you eat - so eat well, and eat right.

This DVD is a must watch especially for those seeking to find more information on what really is the current state of health from the world's leading authorities on nutrition and natural health, as they uncover the true cause of the disease.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching this documentary and even after a few viewings now, still find something new every time I watch that really makes me stop and think.

If you are serious about the health of your family, or just want to take control of your own health - you should get a copy of FoodMatters, seat in a comfy seat, have a glass of water and watch and listen!

SPECIAL OFFER - In conjunction with 1000 Mums Making a Difference, Limelizard is proud to offer a 10% discount to those wanting to take control of their health.

Purchase FoodMatters before Friday 18th June 2010 and you will receive 10% off your order! As long as there is a copy of FoodMatters in your order any other items will be included. So that is 10% off your WHOLE order! (Make sure you use MUMS as your voucher code at checkout and hit the recalculate button!)

WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN A FREE COPY??? - Then simply make sure are a subscriber to both the 1000Mums newsletter and the Limelizard newsletter. One lucky person will be randomly drawn on Wednesday 16th June at 11am - as long as they are subscribed to both newsletters they will receive a FREE copy! (The lucky winner will be announced on the Limelizard and 1000 Mums Facebook pages on the 16th.)

Good Luck and Good Health!

Naomi @ Limelizard

Monday, January 25, 2010

Clear Your Clutter !!!

Ever get that feeling after being out and about in the fresh air, looking at the gorgeous blue sky and green trees, of not wanting to walk through your front door? Knowing that inside you won't get that same free and easy feeling as when you were out? Have you ever wondered why that can be? Well this gem of a book may help you out.

Clear Your Clutter by Karen Kingston starts with a beautiful white crisp looking cover, fresh and encouraging you to open the cover! Once inside it is jam packed with fantastic information, encouragement and tips for you to make the inside of your house seem just as comfortable as when you are outside!

As with all of the products available on Limelizard I like to 'test run', so I got the Clear Your Clutter book out and started reading. I couldn't put it down. I even ended up with other family members sitting with a cup of Peppermint tea each listening as I practically read the whole book out to them in one sitting! We were amazed at the information and how we could relate to different aspects exactly.

The book explains about Feng Shui, problems that having clutter can cause, how it can affect you, why people keep it and how to let go.

You are then taken through clutter and the feng shui bagua (you can read the book for an explanation!), different clutter zones in your home, paper clutter, other people's clutter etc.

Finally, tips on how to clear the clutter, staying clutter-free, and also clearing not only physical clutter, but mental, emotional and spiritual clutter.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, so much so that I instantly wanted to start. Getting the whole family on board we went through the kitchen, and 3 other rooms in 1 day! Our house now feels beautiful and fresh on the inside - and my head isn't as cluttered!!

I highly recommend this book and think it will truly help you to clear your clutter - and, like Limelizard, inspire you family to live well......

Naomi @ Limelizard